EMADASS - Improving Support for 18-25 year olds with learning disabilities or autism
Published on Tuesday 9th September 2024 by Dan Short
At present we are supporting he first phase (Oct-Dec) of this work. This phase aims to gather information around price and quality of support.
The second phase will relate to gaining a better understanding of the experiences of young people and those important to them. Phase three will be focused on the market shaping.
In phase one are:
- Designing a data collection spreadsheet to gather required information about how 18-25 year olds are supported
- Collating and analysing the data to identify patterns and trends, average costs, locations, quality ratings, shared providers etc.
- Interviewing commissioners in each ICS footprint to identify key challenges, risks, gaps in market, and opportunities of areas of shared commissioning activity
- Interviewing a selection of care management / assessment staff from each ICS footprint to gain an understanding of their views on current practice, opportunities, and market gaps.
- Interviewing to gain an understanding of their views on current commissioning practice and opportunities.
The aim is to provide a report outlining the current position in relation how supports to young people aged 18-25 are being supported, identifying any best commissioning practice, highlighting key risks and gaps in existing provision in the East Midlands, and identifying any opportunities and key recommendations for the next two phases of work.