
News Articles

Appreciative Inquiry Training

In Mid-March this year we gathered in Wilmslow where @Liz Jayne and @Joy van Helvert, hosted a group of 9 other Alders in two days of immersive face to face Appreciative Inquiry training. This was a refresher for existing Alders and an introduction for those who have recently joined us. It was a very enjoyable experience for all involved and help us refine our training and support offer for organisations looking to develop appreciative inquiry approaches within their workplaces.  


Portsmouth Appreciative Inquiry - Developing Strengths-Based Practice

Portsmouth Adult Social Care (ASC) is committed to adopting strengths-based approaches. To help it do this it appointed Alder Advice, in the Summer of 2023, to undertake a co-productive appreciative inquiry process. The aims were to:

  • Identify progress made to date.
  • Recognise strengths to build on.
  • Identify improvement opportunities.

NW London Appreciative Inquiry – Evaluation of the pilot Keyworker Service

The North-West London (NWL) Keyworker Steering Group decided in March 2023 to initiate an independent evaluation. It wanted to identify options for the Service’s future structure/model. Alder Advice was appointed to support this process.


Bradford Looked After Children Placements

Board Members at the new Braford Children's Trust were concerned that the number of Looked After Children and the average cost of placements for them were both rising unsustainably. They, therefore, appointed Alder Advice in the summer of 2023 to conduct research into what is driving demand/need up and to identify opportunities to better manage demand in the future.


North Wales strategy for child and adolescent mental health

North Wales strategy for child and adolescent mental health in response to the “No Wrong Door” report from the Wales Children’s Commissioner

Alder Advice is working closely with stakeholders including children and young people with lived experience to produce a North Wales strategy for child and adolescent mental health. The strategy is the Region's response to the “No Wrong Door” report from the Wales Children’s Commissioner. This project consists of five phases as follows. The first four work phases are complete. We are now working closely with stakeholders on Phase 5:

  1. An evaluation of 4 innovative therapeutic projects so the current “as is” position was fully understood including existing strengths to build on
  2. Research into international and national good practice so aspirations could be informed by evidence of the best elsewhere
  3. A series of engagement workshops with professionals from the 7 organisations and their partners, including from the education sector, 3rd sector organisations and criminal justice so practice wisdom and lived experience underpinned the identification of improvement opportunities
  4. An extensive engagement programme for children and young people so the end strategy was truly co-produced with the people it aims to benefit in the spirit of “nothing about me, without me”
  5. Drafting a strategy and making proposals for service redesign necessary to deliver the new strategy efficiently and effectively.
