QIPP PLanning - North Central London PCCG


North Central London Primary Care Cluster Group 

March 2012

The brief

PCT commissioners at NHS North Central London Cluster commissioned Alder to refresh the PCT three year Commissioning Strategy and QIPP Plan 2012/13-2014/15 and associated Operating Plan for 2012/13 in line with NHS London planning guidance, and to required timescales. This involved the development and production of an overall programme plan, developing the content of the plan, and associated individual project plans, and writing the plan working in close co-operation with the Cluster and the 5 London Borough Teams.

What we did

We embedded two Alder Advisers in the Cluster. They worked closely with Cluster staff to design and set up systems to manage the programme and manage risks, monitor progress and report progress against programme and project plans to the senior leadership team and Board.

Throughout plan development we worked closely with the Communications team to ensure both staff and the local population of North Central London had the opportunity to be involved with and comment on the plan prior to final production. We also organised and facilitated events to ensure NHS providers were fully engaged in the process and had early sight of any implications for their business.

Initially, we refreshed the case for change and developed the vision and strategic goals for North Central London. Following this, we established 3 steering groups (critical to the success of the programme) that ensured the plan would be genuinely ‘owned’ and fully implemented. The:

  • First group oversaw the process of plan development,
  • Second oversaw content development; and
  • Third group was established to ensure all relevant activity data and financial information was analysed and produced to support the plan.


All strategy documents where produced to a high standard on time. There was excellent local ownership of the strategies and feedback from NHS London was very positive.
