Health and Social Care Moray

Case study - Health and Social Care Moray Alder Advice had previously supported a Learning Disabilities Accommodation review project undertaken by the ringfenced Accommodation Review Team (ART).

ART sought to understand in detail what was important to the 120 individual service users in the scope of the review and to use this understanding to review the suitability/value for money of where they lived and how they were supported. It identified much scope for improvement that would change lives for the better, but significant barriers limited what could be achieved in some cases. By examining these barriers in detail Moray learned that to be more effective it needed to look in detail across our whole learning disability care and support system i.e. from assessment through to commissioning, contract monitoring and market development. Determined to overcome these barriers, Moray felt that the formal integration of Health and Social Care in Scotland at a local level offered it a unique opportunity to develop sound operating models and processes that are truly integrated and to undertake an ambitious, system wide transformational change programme. It therefore sought an external adviser to support it and appointed Alder Advice in October 2016.

Working with Alder Advice Moray has developed a programme that places “Progression” at the centre of its organisational mental model, what it does and how it does it. The programme had three key overlapping work streams supported by Alder Advice, namely to help:

• Improve the effectiveness of the integrated learning disability team - Includes skills development and process re-engineering,

• Improve commissioning, contract monitoring and market development; and

• Ensure the enhanced skills and knowledge of in-house services are used to effectively support people with learning disabilities develop skills for independence and personal resilience.

This programme is effectively addressing many of the barriers previously identified. Commenting on our work our client Joyce Lorimer (Integrated Services Manager at Health and Social Care Moray) says: "We now have the opportunity to make a real positive difference in the lives of the people we provide care and support for.”

By November 2017 the programme had identified eight people suitable for a move to less intensive community-based support in line with both their needs and their aspirations. This will improve their independence significantly in line with their aspirations and will also save £400k per annum.
