LGA/ADASS CHIP Outcomes Framework

In 2020 the Local Government Association (LGA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Care and Health Improvement Programme (CHIP) commissioned Alder Advice to develop an outcomes and improvement framework for support for learning disabled adults, including people with autism who also have a learning disability.

The framework aims to enable Directors of Adult Social Services, their teams and their partners to undertake a self-assessment to identify improvement opportunities and to plan the actions required to develop better services and enable adults with learning disabilities to have better lives in line with their aspirations and to safeguard human rights.

The development of this framework was overseen by the ADASS/LGA National Leaning Disability and Autism Steering Group. This had been formed at the end of 2019 to lead developments to improve how adults with learning disabilities and autism (learning disability and/or autism) are supported by councils and their partners.

The outcomes and improvement framework is an online tool consisting of a number of different elements:

Part 1 – Introduction and how to use the guide.

Part 2 – A quick self-evaluation using quantitative and qualitative data to identify and prioritise areas for greater attention.

Parts 3 – 8 Tools and guidance to support an in-depth evaluative process in each of the following areas:

• Part 3 - Systems leadership, governance, and management arrangements

• Part 4 - Understanding demand and using, prevention and early intervention (Incl. transitions support) approaches

• Part 5 - Enabling the care and support system

• Part 6 - Developing the local care and support workforce

• Part 7 - Supporting people to keep themselves safe

• Part 8 - Operate efficient and effective structures, systems, and business processes

Each of parts 3 – 8 includes sections on:

• What good looks like, including mini-case studies exemplifying good practice

• A set of narrative outcomes

• Quantitative indicators

• A set of self-evaluation questions

Part 9 – A summary of the research used to inform the framework.

Part 10 – a selection of more in-depth case studies.

Part 11 – Safeguarding outcomes from “Making Safeguarding Personal’ 2018.

Part 12 – Think Local, Act Personal (TLAP) “I” statements from ‘making It Real’ 2018 Alder Advice was fully responsible for the drafting of the outcomes and improvement framework.

The work included a stakeholder workshops, a survey of the research, interviews and workshops with people with lived experience, research and development of good practice case studies, development of narrative outcomes and sets of qualitative indicators and formulation of self-assessment questions.

Alder Advice is continuing to support the implementation of the tool through work with LGA colleagues and pilot sites in preparation for a full launch later in 2021.
