North Somerset - Supporting Independence

In 2016 North Somerset was facing severe financial pressures and wanted to address these with-out compromising the quality and effectiveness of its support to adults with disabilities. Alder Advice worked with the Council from October 2016 to June 2017 as external advisers to the “Supporting Independence Programme”. We supported: 1. Design and initiation of a Learning Disabilities High Needs Case Review (HNCR) Programme using the “Progression” model. 2. Design and initial implementation of a new Single Point of Access (SPA) At June 2017, the SPA was just beginning to use its new processes and 48 HNCR reassessments had been completed. The impact of the HNCR reassessments was that positive as work was ongoing in 11 cases, support was being revised in 26 cases to better meet individual needs and aspirations while support remained unchanged in 11 cases. By the end of April 2018 70 HNCR reassessment using the “Progression” model had been completed. The net effect of cost increases/decreases was a weekly reduction in care costs of £6,950 p.w. or 5.5% of the current weekly cost of support of the 70 cases reassessed. The full year effect was £362,000. In addition, £8,500 worth of one off back dated savings had been achieved. For full details go to the North Somerset Case Study at  
