Alder Advice

Alder Advice: 

This provides expert and independent advice across adult social care, children's social care, housing, and health that is tailored to your local needs.

Everything we do is tailored to your local circumstances.

Our approach is always underpinned by our strong commitment to:

Strengths-based and outcome focused public services and

Being partners with you in “Thinking” about what you need to do and once you have decided, being your “Implementation” partners.

Proving support that is “Thinking, Collaborative, Advisort and Solutions focused”as follows:

Thinking – To improve services and make savings you need to (1) be creative to think what might be possible, (2) evidence to compare the different options and (3) have the time to think implementation through given your local circumstances. We can help you by providing you with the capacity, skills and tools you need to think better and an we bring an outside and independent perspective when that helps.

Collaborating – Collaboration operates at a number of levels. First we always collaborate with you. We co-produce solutions “with you” rather than doing projects “to you”. Second, we recognise that stepped improvement normally involves many people. So we always work collaboratively with your partners whether they be internal e.g. your colleagues and staff, or external e.g. service users, carers, partner organisations and regulators.

Advising – As well as advising about thinking and collaborating we will advise you about the options available to you, the evidence for each option, the risks associated with each option and about how implementation could be managed and monitored.

Solving – Inevitably, barriers will emerge from time to time that stifle thinking, make collaboration difficult or make it difficult to implement decisions or decide which advice is best. Whatever, barriers arise we will work with you to overcome them, mitigate risks and ensure improvement is implemented.

Although our work is always tailored to your specific circumstances we have a number of generic approaches that can be applied flexibly according to your local needs. These include:

  • Implementing strengths and asset based approaches
  • Identifying opportunities improve service user/ patient outcomes and to subsequently save money.
  • Service transformation.
  • Co-production of integrated care and support pathways.
  • Integrating services around customers.
  • Demand management.
  • Making reablement work for you.
  • Improving dementia care.
  • Transforming commissioning for the 21st Century.
  • Review of complex cases and renegotiation of support packages that achieve better outcomes for customers and lower the long term costs of support including managing the costs of challenging behaviour down.
  • Developing and then embedding "Appreciative Inquiry" into the way your organisation or your partnerships operate.

To contact us:


Tel 07814-144-973 Rob Griffiths or 07748-180-390 Dan Short